Friday, May 1, 2015

15 Photos That Prove Dogs Can Fall Asleep Anywhere

4:36 AM

Dogs are magical. Not because of the special connections they have with humans or the fact that evolved from that mythical, magical trickster, the wolf — dogs are magical because they can sleep goddamn anywhere. If I could sleep like dogs sleep, I'd never be tired. And if I could sleep like dogs sleep, there would probably also be a lot of pictures on the Internet of me sleeping, because sleeping dogs are ridiculous. Just look at these photos.
1. This dog's asleep. Wait, I mean "This dog's a-sheep." 
(via Reddit)

2. After your hound is planted, expect puppies to sprout in six to eight weeks.
(via Dump a Day)

3. I'm actually not sure if this dog is asleep or just having a vulnerable bonding moment with the table leg. 

4. Because really, isn't every water dish just a very small pool? OH SHIT does that mean that every pool is just a large water bowl?!
(via Reddit)

5. Hey, I'm just gonna see if my Kong went under the cou...zzzzz. 
(via Reddit)

6. All 2016 Hondas will have puppy sleep handles as a standard feature. 
(via WeHeartIt)

7. Sorry, your patio furniture is now a dog bed. 
(via iwillstaystrongiwillstaystrong on Tumblr)

8. No, seriously. Your patio furniture is a dog bed. 
(via Reddit)

9. "I didn't fall asleep in the food bowl! You fell asleep in the food bowl!" 
(via Reddit)

10. Somebody doesn't understand the concept of a pillow. 
(via Reddit)

11. And that was the day he discovered his dog had a shoe fetish. 
(via Reddit)

12. Although he loved music, it was Spot's greatest secret that he was actually tone deaf.
(via Pinterest)

13. Bitsy built her own version of Temple Grandin's hug machine. 
(via Reddit)

14. He didn't even rinse himself off in the sink before getting in the dishwasher.
(via I Heart Dogs)

15. Shifting into sleep mode. 


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